Results for 'Reviewed by Ingrid Robeyns'

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  1.  57
    G. A. Cohen, rescuing justice and equality.Reviewed by Ingrid Robeyns - 2009 - Ethics 120 (1).
  2.  31
    Review of Having Too Much: Philosophical Essays on Limitarianism, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, Cambridge, UK, Open Book Publishers, 2023. [REVIEW]Valentin Cojanu - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Economics.
    Although the limitarian reflection may revise its applied ethical objectives, we believe it will remain fertile ground for the study of ideas on democratic participation from the point of view of material possession. The merit of this volume is that it illustrates this conclusion with in-depth and comprehensive studies that also shed light on the steps to be taken.
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    Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen, edited by Reiko Gotoh and Paul Dumouchel. Cambridge University Press, 2009, x + 317 pages. - Amartya Sen, edited by Christopher Morris. Cambridge University Press, 2010, xvi + 224 pages. - Measuring Justice: primary goods and capabilities, edited by Harry Brighouse and Ingrid Robeyns. Cambridge University Press, 2010, ix + 257 pages. [REVIEW]Miriam Teschl - 2012 - Economics and Philosophy 28 (2):275-287.
    Book Reviews Miriam Teschl, Economics and Philosophy, FirstView Article.
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  4. Review of Ingrid Robeyns’ Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth, UK: Allen Lane, 2024, xxv + 303 pp. [REVIEW]Mario Damborenea & Sieb Brouwer - 2024 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 17 (1): 401–405.
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    Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-examined.Ingrid Robeyns - 2017 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publisher.
    This monograph on the capability approach does two things. First, it provides an advanced introduction to the capability approach, as an account used in philosophy, as well as other disciplines. Second, it provides an account of the capability approach which is able to encompass all existing views and theories on the capability approach, including the writings on the capability approach by Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen.
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  6.  44
    Een bovengrens aan rijkdom?Ingrid Robeyns - 2017 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 109 (4):409-430.
    An Upper Limit on Wealth? Should (extreme) wealth be seen as an undesirable situation? This question is called for by a number of social developments, but also from theories of justice in political philosophy and from economic ethics. Answering this question requires first and foremost a proper conceptualisation of wealth. In this paper, I propose such a conceptualisation. In addition, two reasons are advocated for an upper limit on wealth, and possible objections are investigated. The paper ends with some suggestions (...)
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  7.  65
    Ethics of global development: Agency, capability, and deliberative democracy - by David A. Crocker.Ingrid Robeyns - 2009 - Ethics and International Affairs 23 (4):426-427.
  8. Assessing global poverty and inequality: Income, resources, and capabilities.Ingrid Robeyns - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (1‐2):30-49.
    Are global poverty and inequality on the rise or are they declining? And is the quality of life of the world's poorest people getting worse or better? These questions are often given conflicting answers by economists, the World Bank, and social activists. One reason for this is that assessments of quality of life can be made in terms of people's income, their resources, or their functionings and capabilities. This essay discusses the pros and cons of these evaluative approaches, and it (...)
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  9.  49
    Conceptualising well-being for autistic persons.Ingrid Robeyns - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6):383-390.
    In the philosophy of well-being, there is hardly anything written on the lives of people with autism or on the question whether existing philosophical theories of well-being are suited for understanding how well the lives of autistic persons are going. This paper tries to make some progress towards filling this gap. I start by giving a concise account of autism, which highlights the huge heterogeneity among autistics. I discuss some basic features of autism, ask whether there are good reasons why (...)
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  10.  49
    Measuring Justice: Primary Goods and Capabilities.Harry Brighouse & Ingrid Robeyns (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book brings together a team of leading theorists to address the question 'What is the right measure of justice?' Some contributors, following Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, argue that we should focus on capabilities, or what people are able to do and to be. Others, following John Rawls, argue for focussing on social primary goods, the goods which society produces and which people can use. Still others see both views as incomplete and complementary to one another. Their essays evaluate (...)
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  11.  17
    (1 other version)Book Review. [REVIEW]Ingrid Robeyns - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (2):371-377.
  12. Equality-Promoting Parental Leave.Anca Gheaus & Ingrid Robeyns - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (2):173-191.
    In this paper we provide a critical discussion of how the most progressive parental leave policies are doing with respect to three goods which we identify as essential for liberal egalitarian feminists interested in parental leaves: the good of parental care, the good of gender fairness, and the good of individual choice. Then we offer our own model, based on the power of defaults, which promotes the goods of parental care and gender justice by sacrificing as little as possible of (...)
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  13. Deborah L. Rhode, Speaking of Sex. The Denial of Gender Inequality. [REVIEW]Ingrid Robeyns - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (1):75-77.
  14.  26
    Limiting lifetime inheritances and gifts.Ingrid Robeyns - forthcoming - Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
    This paper provides a defence of a lifetime limit on how much a person can receive in the form of gifts and inheritances, that is, a person's accessions. I argue that any accessions above that limit should be taxed at a rate of 100%. The analysis shows how this proposal can bring into equilibrium the core values and other goals at stake in the design of taxation on inheritances and gifts. To counter the low level of support for inheritance taxation (...)
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  15. The agents of justice.Colin Hickey, Tim Meijers, Ingrid Robeyns & Dick Timmer - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16.
    The complexities of how justice comes to be realized, and by which agents, is a relatively neglected element in contemporary theories of justice. This has left several crucial questions about agency and justice undertheorized, such as why some particular agents are responsible for realizing justice, how their contribution towards realizing justice should be understood, and what role agents such as activists and community leaders play in realizing justice. We aim to contribute towards a better understanding of the landscape of these (...)
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  16.  82
    Book Reviews Cohen, G. A. Rescuing Justice and Equality . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008. Pp. xvii+430. $45.00 (cloth). [REVIEW]Ingrid Robeyns - 2009 - Ethics 120 (1):156-160.
  17.  59
    On the Merits and Limits of Nationalising the Fossil Fuel Industry.Fergus Green & Ingrid Robeyns - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 91:53-80.
    We explore the desirability of an idea that has not received the attention it deserves by political philosophers: that governments should bring privately-owned fossil fuel companies into public ownership with a view to managing their wind-down in the public interest – often simply referred to as ‘nationalising the fossil fuel industry’. We aim to make a conditional case for public ownership of fossil fuel companies. We will assume certain conditions about government motivations and capacities that are similar to assumptions made (...)
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  18. Will a Basic Income Do Justice to Women?: A Contribution to the Symposium on P. Van Parijs ’s “Real Freedom for All” in Analyse & Kritik 22(2). [REVIEW]Ingrid Robeyns - 2001 - Analyse & Kritik 23 (1):88-105.
    This article addresses the question whether a basic income will be a just social policy for women. The implementation of a basic income will have different effects for different groups of women, some of them clearly positive, some of them negative. The real issues that concern feminist critics of a basic income are the gender-related constraints on choices and the current gender division of labour, which are arguably both playing at the disadvantage of women. It is argued that those issues (...)
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  19.  39
    Review of Harry Brighouse, Ingrid Robeyns (eds.), Measuring Justice: Primary Goods and Capabilities[REVIEW]Cara Nine - 2011 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2011 (1).
  20.  50
    Clare's Letters to Agnes: Texts and Sources by Joan Mueller (review).Ingrid Peterson - 2001 - Franciscan Studies 59 (1):281-284.
  21.  16
    Ingrid Robeyns, "Having Too Much: Philosophical Essays on Limitarianism".Aaron Landry - 2024 - Philosophy in Review 44 (1):42-45.
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  22.  11
    Book Review: Making Sense of Race, Class, and Gender: Commonsense, Power, and Privilege in the United States. By Celine-Marie Pascale. New York: Routledge, 2007, 153 pp., $29.95. [REVIEW]Ingrid Banks - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (1):136-138.
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  23.  87
    Managed Hearts and Wallets: Ethical Issues in Emotional Influence By and Within Organizations.Ingrid Smithey Fulmer & Bruce Barry - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (2):155-191.
    ABSTRACT:Increasing research attention to the ways that firms seek to influence the emotions of employees, consumers, and other stakeholders has not been accompanied by systematic attention to the ethical dimensions of emotion management. In this article we review and discuss research that informs the morality of influencing and regulating the emotions of others. What are the moral limits of the use of emotion as a management tool for shaping workplace behavior and influencing the thoughts and actions of consumers? Do the (...)
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  24.  42
    Book Review: Montaigne and the Tolerance of Politics, by Douglas I. Thompson. [REVIEW]Ingrid Creppell - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (3):405-410.
  25.  33
    The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer (review).Ingrid Scheibler - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (1):115-116.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.1 (2004) 115-116 [Access article in PDF] Robert J. Dostal, editor. The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xiii + 317. Cloth, $65.00. Paper, $23.00. This twelve-essay collection should introduce Gadamer to new readers while engaging those familiar with his work. Essays treat central elements of Gadamer's hermeneutical philosophy: his concept of understanding; tradition and authority; the ontology (...)
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  26.  30
    Xenofeminist Hope and Dread, or How to Move Beyond Patriarchal Technocapitalism.Ingrid Hoofd - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (1):210-215.
    Who said manifestos are dead? Some thirty years after the publication of Donna Haraway's illustrious A Cyborg Manifesto, fifty years after Valerie Solanas's angry and delightful SCUM Manifesto, and 170 years after Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels's influential Communist Manifesto, a new manifesto in town in fact bears traces of all these and then some: The Xenofeminist Manifesto. This manifesto, which comes in a gorgeously designed booklet version as well as in a colorful and nostalgic 80s computer-culture website with nerdy (...)
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  27.  67
    Existential loneliness: An attempt at an analysis of the concept and the phenomenon.Ingrid Bolmsjö, Per-Anders Tengland & Margareta Rämgård - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1310-1325.
    Background: According to ethical guidelines, healthcare professionals should be able to provide care that allows for the patients’ values, customs and beliefs, and the existential issues that are communicated through them. One widely discussed issue is existential loneliness. However, much of the debate dealing with existential loneliness concludes that both the phenomenon and the concept are quite vague. Aim: To clarify what constitutes existential loneliness, and to describe its lived experiences. A further aim was to provide a definition of existential (...)
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  28.  10
    “The Limits of the Abject.” The Reception of Le Deuxième Sexe in 1949.Ingrid Galster - 2017 - In Laura Hengehold & Nancy Bauer, A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 37–46.
    On appearing in 1949, The Second Sex provoked violent controversy in the world of French literary reviews and in the popular press. It was attacked by the religious right wing for daring to speak frankly about female sexuality and by the Communists for taking women's emotional and sexual well‐being as seriously as their economic welfare. Reactions to Beauvoir's text indicate the depth of misogyny at the time of its publication and the ways in which class and educational prestige were used (...)
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  29.  32
    Dark sides of social entrepreneurship: Contributions of systems thinking towards managing its effects.Ingrid Molderez & Janne Fets - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (4):672-709.
    Social enterprises are seen as innovative towards solving societal problems, but little research exists on possible negative aspects, the so‐called dark sides. In this study, the emphasis is on dark sides of social entrepreneurship, how they are managed, and how systems thinking can contribute towards managing these effects. Dark sides of social entrepreneurship can take many forms, like unethical or insincere motives and unintended outcomes like the negative impact on the well‐being of founders and employees, but they are also a (...)
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  30.  43
    Treating Addictions: Harm Reduction in Clinical Care and Prevention.Ingrid Beek, Evan Wood, Alex Walley, Dan Small, Robert Heimer, Robert Haemmig, Kenneth Anderson & Ernest Drucker - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):239-249.
    This paper examines the role of clinical practitioners and clinical researchers internationally in establishing the utility of harm-reduction approaches to substance use. It thus illustrates the potential for clinicians to play a pivotal role in health promoting structural interventions based on harm-reduction goals and public health models. Popular media images of drug use as uniformly damaging, and abstinence as the only acceptable goal of treatment, threaten to distort clinical care away from a basis in evidence, which shows that some ways (...)
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  31. Ingrid Leman-Stefanovic, The Event of Death: A Phenomenological Enquiry Reviewed by.Henry W. Johnstone Jr - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (2):64-66.
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  32. Valuing farmers in transitions to more sustainable food systems: A systematic literature review of local food producers’ experiences and contributions in short food supply chains.Grace O’Connor, Kimberley Reis, Cheryl Desha & Ingrid Burkett - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):565-592.
    Industrial food systems are being increasingly challenged by alternative food movements globally that advocate for better environmental, social, economic, and political outcomes as part of societal transitions to more sustainable food systems. At the heart of these transitions are local food producers operating within shorter food supply chains, their experiences, and their knowledge of ecologically sustainable food production, biodiversity and climate, and their communities. Despite their important contributions to the resilience of food systems, society and ecology, local food producers' experiences (...)
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  33.  26
    Property’s Props: A Response to Étienne Balibar’s ‘Philosophies of the Transindividual’.Ingrid Diran - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):32-38.
    This commentary focuses upon the ‘fetishism of persons’ in Marx which Balibar claims both mirrors and animates the better-known fetishism of things. Revisiting the chapter on exchange in which Balibar grounds his thesis, the essay attends to the theatrical metaphors by which Marx presents legal personhood as a pantomime of commodity fetishism. The essay demonstrates how the movable immobility of the commodity comes to life in its inverse, the mobile and immovable figure of the legal person; it then claims that (...)
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  34. Hate: toward a Four-Types Model.Íngrid Vendrell Ferran - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (2):441-459.
    Drawing on insights found in both philosophy and psychology, this paper offers an analysis of hate and distinguishes between its main types. I argue that hate is a sentiment, i.e., a form to regard the other as evil which on certain occasions can be acutely felt. On the basis of this definition, I develop a typology which, unlike the main typologies in philosophy and psychology, does not explain hate in terms of patterns of other affective states. By examining the developmental (...)
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  35.  66
    Measuring Justice: Primary Goods and Capabilities edited by Harry Brighouse and Ingrid Robeyns Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, x + 257 pp., $29.99 , $85.00. [REVIEW]Christopher A. Riddle - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (1):213-215.
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  36.  36
    Can Lifelong Learning Reshape Life Chances?Karen Evans, Ingrid Schoon & Martin Weale - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (1):25-47.
    Despite the expansion of post-school education and incentives to participate in lifelong learning, institutions and labour markets continue to interlock in shaping life chances according to starting social position, family and private resources. The dominant view that the economic and social returns to public investment in adult learning are too low to warrant large-scale public funding has been challenged by recent LLAKES research that shows significant returns to participants in lifelong learning with improvements in both their employability and employment prospects. (...)
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  37.  41
    How to Include Patients' Perspectives in the Study of the Mind: A Review of Studies on Depression. [REVIEW]Henriette Löffler-Stastka, Kathrin Bednar, Ingrid Pleschberger, Tamara Prevendar & Giada Pietrabissa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Depression has been widely studied by researchers from different fields, but its causes, and mechanism of action are still not clear. A difficulty emerges from the shifting from objective diagnosis or analysis to exploration of subjective feelings and experiences that influence the individuals' expression, communication and coping in facing depression. The integration of the experiential dimension of the first-person in studies on depression–and related methodological recommendations–are needed to improve the validity and generalizability of research findings. It will allow the development (...)
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  38.  8
    Valuing farmers in transitions to more sustainable food systems: A systematic literature review of local food producers’ experiences and contributions in short food supply chains.Grace O’Connor, Kimberley Reis, Cheryl Desha & Ingrid Burkett - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-28.
    Industrial food systems are being increasingly challenged by alternative food movements globally that advocate for better environmental, social, economic, and political outcomes as part of societal transitions to more sustainable food systems. At the heart of these transitions are local food producers operating within shorter food supply chains, their experiences, and their knowledge of ecologically sustainable food production, biodiversity and climate, and their communities. Despite their important contributions to the resilience of food systems, society and ecology, local food producers' experiences (...)
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    Returning Individual Research Results from Digital Phenotyping in Psychiatry.Francis X. Shen, Matthew L. Baum, Nicole Martinez-Martin, Adam S. Miner, Melissa Abraham, Catherine A. Brownstein, Nathan Cortez, Barbara J. Evans, Laura T. Germine, David C. Glahn, Christine Grady, Ingrid A. Holm, Elisa A. Hurley, Sara Kimble, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Kimberlyn Leary, Mason Marks, Patrick J. Monette, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, P. Pearl O’Rourke, Scott L. Rauch, Carmel Shachar, Srijan Sen, Ipsit Vahia, Jason L. Vassy, Justin T. Baker, Barbara E. Bierer & Benjamin C. Silverman - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):69-90.
    Psychiatry is rapidly adopting digital phenotyping and artificial intelligence/machine learning tools to study mental illness based on tracking participants’ locations, online activity, phone and text message usage, heart rate, sleep, physical activity, and more. Existing ethical frameworks for return of individual research results (IRRs) are inadequate to guide researchers for when, if, and how to return this unprecedented number of potentially sensitive results about each participant’s real-world behavior. To address this gap, we convened an interdisciplinary expert working group, supported by (...)
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  40.  66
    Treating Addictions: Harm Reduction in Clinical Care and Prevention.Ernest Drucker, Kenneth Anderson, Robert Haemmig, Robert Heimer, Dan Small, Alex Walley, Evan Wood & Ingrid van Beek - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):239-249.
    This paper examines the role of clinical practitioners and clinical researchers internationally in establishing the utility of harm-reduction approaches to substance use. It thus illustrates the potential for clinicians to play a pivotal role in health promoting structural interventions based on harm-reduction goals and public health models. Popular media images of drug use as uniformly damaging, and abstinence as the only acceptable goal of treatment, threaten to distort clinical care away from a basis in evidence, which shows that some ways (...)
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  41.  21
    Study protocol: the Australian genetics and life insurance moratorium—monitoring the effectiveness and response (A-GLIMMER) project.Paul Lacaze, Louise Keogh, Margaret Otlowski, Ingrid Winship, Kristine Barlow-Stewart, Martin Delatycki, Penny Gleeson, Tiffany Boughtwood, Andrea Belcher, Aideen McInerney-Leo & Jane Tiller - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundThe use of genetic test results in risk-rated insurance is a significant concern internationally, with many countries banning or restricting the use of genetic test results in underwriting. In Australia, life insurers’ use of genetic test results is legal and self-regulated by the insurance industry (Financial Services Council (FSC)). In 2018, an Australian Parliamentary Inquiry recommended that insurers’ use of genetic test results in underwriting should be prohibited. In 2019, the FSC introduced an industry self-regulated moratorium on the use of (...)
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  42.  72
    Etruscan and Roman monumentality - Thomas, Meyers monumentality in etruscan and early Roman architecture. Ideology and innovation. Afterword by Ingrid E.m. Edlund-Berry. Pp. XVI + 184, ills, map. Austin: University of texas press, 2012. Cased, us$60. Isbn: 978-0-292-73888-1. [REVIEW]Lisa C. Pieraccini - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (2):584-586.
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  43.  20
    Reviewed Work(s): An introduction to the philosophy of mathematics by Mark Colyvan.Review by: Richard Pettigrew - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):396-397,.
  44.  7
    Two papers by Ulrich Felgner on the history of mathematics.Review by: Steffen Lempp - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (2):201-202,.
  45.  13
    Reviewed Work: Recent developments in model theory, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, vol. 54, nos. 3-4.Review by: Dugald Macpherson - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):357-359,.
  46.  68
    David S. Oderberg and Jacqueline A. Laing, human lives: Critical essays on consequentialist bioethics.Reviewed by David M. Adams - 2000 - Ethics 110 (2).
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    Norman S. care, living with one's past: Personal fates and moral pain.Reviewed by Jeffrie G. Murphy - 2000 - Ethics 110 (2).
  48.  15
    Reviewed Work(s): Ernst Zermelo: Collected Works. Gesammelte Werke. Volume I: Set Theory, Miscellania. Mengenlehre, Varia by H.-D. Ebbinghaus; A. Kanamori. [REVIEW]Review by: Volker Peckhaus - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (4):491-492,.
  49.  13
    Reviewed Work(s): A new spectrum of recursive models using an amalgamation construction. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 73 by Uri Andrews; A computable N₀-categorical structure whose theory computes true arithmetic. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 72 by Bakhadyr Khoussainov; Antonio Montalbán. [REVIEW]Review by: Alexander G. Melnikov - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):400-401,.
  50. Raymond Geuss, philosophy and real politics.Reviewed by Samuel Freeman - 2009 - Ethics 120 (1).
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